Friday, July 19, 2024

The Given Word

This was a pretty good Brazilian movie from the 1960s that I watched on youtube. It's about a simple man who carries a cross all the way to the church. It was a promise he made if his donkey was saved. But the church won't let him the cross into the church. They proclaim his story about he got the miracle evil. Along with the hypocrises of the church he also finds the media more than ready to make a dime off the story of this simple man. I wonder how this film got forgotten over time. It was nominated for an Academy award but I guess some treasures get buried in time.

Saturday, May 20, 2023



This was a really crappy Indian movie. Three guys decide that they want to embark on an affair with another woman and they get their lesson. Frankly the guys are jerks and creeps in this movie. I didn't really feel they wrapped things up by the end. The movie was also homophobic, and it had a bad aftertaste. I

Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Left-Handed Gun


This movie about the Billy the Kid was ok. It was adapted from a Gore Vidal source. Billy is taken in by a rancher but when the man is murdered Billy loses it. The movie made Billy the Kid seem more of a real person than the legendary hero that he has become over time. It was interesting to watch but it's not essential viewing unless you're a Paul Newman fan. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Androcles and the Lion


This was an ok adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's play. A Christian believer Androcles is sent to be killed by a lion in a colosseum, but things take an unexpected turn. A young Jean Simmons stars and wow she is gorgeous in this. Elsa Lanchester does a great job playing Androcles nagging wife.   

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Yes Boss


This was an ok early Shahrukh Khan comedy. He went on to do much better. His job is to deal with the lovers of his slimy boss and that's ok until he falls in love with one of them.  I like what her Shahrukh Khan's mother had to say to the girl at the end of the movie. It wasn't particularly memorable, but it was watchable. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023



I got this movie because I like Priyanka Chopra and this was her debut. She looks different. Priyanka got prettier as she aged. This was just all right. It's the usual best friend doesn't tell his best friend he loves her story. When he comes back from joining the air force he finds out she got married. He moves on and finds someone else until circumstance brings the two back together again. It was all right but I've seen it done.  

Saturday, April 15, 2023



My brother recommended it to me saying it was the Indian version of "Fast and the Furious" except this one had motorcycles. I thought it was boring and didn't really care for it.